Whitening – Home – Ocean Medical Center


cosmetic dentistry
Whitening your teeth can be an excellent way to achieve a brighter smile, especially if you’re content with your teeth’s shape and prefer a more natural, less intense white color.

To gauge teeth whitening suitability, consider:

– Having healthy teeth without multiple or large fillings.
– Experiencing yellow-toned teeth or internal pigmentation, such as from childhood Tetracycline use.
– Being a non-smoker or having minimal smoking habits.
– Maintaining healthy gums.

“How is teeth whitening performed for optimal results?”

For effective whitening, we suggest either the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed in-office procedures or take-home kits, both capable of showing noticeable improvements within a few days.

During in-office (chairside) whitening, we use potent ZOOM whitening gels combined with a specialized laser to hasten the bleaching process

Here’s what happens:

– We start with photographing your teeth to track progress and examine the cause of staining.
– Cleaning your teeth to remove accumulated bacteria and stains.
– Protecting the gums before applying the whitening gel to your teeth.
– Using a laser beam to activate the gel, a process lasting 30 to 90 minutes.
– Post-treatment instructions are provided.

For maintaining a brighter smile, periodic re-whitening can be done either in-office or at home.

Home Whitening:

A personalized mouth tray is crafted, where you’ll apply a whitening gel. You can wear this tray while asleep or for brief periods during the day. Results typically appear over a two-week period.

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