Dental Hygiene – Home – Ocean Medical Center

Dental hygiene

general dentistry
Maintaining oral cleanliness and health is essential to prevent dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and halitosis. Consistent dental examinations and daily practices like brushing and flossing are key steps to ensure the overall well-being of your teeth.
General daily health routine includes:
  • Daily Care: Flossing at least once and brushing your teeth twice daily (morning and before bedtime) effectively removes plaque, the primary cause of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Mouthwashes: Fluoride mouthwashes aid in preventing tooth decay, while antibacterial ones help reduce germs causing plaque and gum disease.
  • Balanced Diet: A varied diet is essential, but limit sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods like cookies, cakes, candies, and soft drinks. These foods trigger acid production, leading to tooth decay. If snacking, follow with brushing or sugarless gum.
  • Tobacco-Free Lifestyle: Quitting smoking or using smokeless tobacco is vital for overall and dental health, as it reduces risks of gum disease, bad breath, tooth discoloration, and certain cancers of the throat and esophagus.

Routine dental checkups are typically recommended biannually for examinations and cleanings.

This routine allows early detection of any emerging changes, enabling timely assessment by a dentist. Regularly inspect your gums, tongue, cheeks, inner lips, mouth floor, and palate for any new growths or lesions. Additionally, watch for tooth sensitivity, discoloration, or signs of damage such as chipping or cracking. If you encounter pain or notice alterations in your bite, promptly contact your dentist for immediate attention.

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