Inlays, Onlays, Fillngs – Home – Ocean Medical Center

Inlays, Onlays, Fillings

genreal dentistry
Thread lifting, a minimally invasive technique, repositions facial tissues using dissolvable threads, stimulating collagen for lifted skin. This procedure addresses aging concerns with minimal risk compared to surgery, tailored for specific areas and desired outcomes.

Fillings: Repairing cavities and restoring damaged teeth, fillings are essential for preserving tooth structure. We offer various filling materials, including tooth-colored composite resin, durable amalgam, gold, or ceramics. Our skilled dentists ensure a seamless restoration process to bring back your tooth’s functionality and aesthetics.

Inlays: Custom-crafted inlays are ideal for restoring damaged teeth when the damage doesn’t warrant a full crown. Using materials like ceramic or composite resin, our inlays are precisely fitted inside the grooves of your tooth. Our process involves meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a perfect fit and restoration of your tooth’s natural form.

Onlays: When the damage extends beyond what inlays can address but doesn’t require a full crown, onlays come into play. Sometimes referred to as partial crowns, these restorations cover a larger surface area of the tooth. Crafted from materials like ceramic or gold, our onlays are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural tooth structure.

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