Root Canal Treatments – Home – Ocean Medical Center

Root Canals

Specialist Dentistry

Root canal treatment is a procedure for damaged teeth where the pulp tissue becomes diseased or non-vital, allowing the tooth to be saved and functional in the mouth without requiring extraction.

Many patients fear root canals due to anticipation, not actual pain during the procedure. Most find the operation no more painful than getting a filling, highlighting that the true discomfort often arises from the pre-dental care anxiety.

What circumstances might lead to needing root canal treatment?

– Root canal treatment might be required in cases of deep fillings or severe tooth decay affecting the pulp.
– A dead (non-vital) or infected tooth may also necessitate root canal therapy.
– In situations where a tooth has a large filling and requires a crown, root canal therapy could be necessary beforehand to create space for proper placement and retention of the crown or filling.

What are the indications or warning signs that indicate the need for root canal therapy?

– Pain during biting or chewing.
– Sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks.
– Darkening or discoloration of the teeth.
– Swelling and tenderness in the gums nearby.
– Persistent or recurring pimples on the gums.

The treatment process for root canal therapy typically involves multiple appointments, depending on the complexity. It begins with an X-ray to assess root canal structure and detect any surrounding bone infections. Local anesthesia might be used to numb the area, although it’s not always necessary. A rubber dam is placed around the tooth to maintain a dry, saliva-free environment during the procedure. Cleaning and removal of decay from enamel and dentin are followed by the extraction of infected or dead pulp tissue from the canal. After shaping and disinfecting the canal, it’s filled with a material like GuttaPercha unless there are signs or symptoms suggesting otherwise.

How can one prevent the need for such treatment?

– Maintain regular brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, at least twice daily.
– Ensure frequent dental checkups.
– Address tooth decay promptly.
– Limit consumption of sugary snacks to reduce the risk of dental issues.

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